Iran introduces nominee for ‘world’s mother of handicrafts’

TEHRAN – Iran’s cultural heritage body has named Mahnesa Shahsavarpour, 107, as the country’s eldest craftsperson and the nominee for the title of ‘world’s mother of handicrafts’ to the World Crafts Council-Asia Pacific Region.
The Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts Organization’s initiative to identify world’s eldest craftsperson was welcomed by the 2nd WCC-Asia Pacific Region Board Meeting, which was held September 24 to 28 in Kuwait, ISNA quoted CHTHO Deputy Director Bahman Namvar-Motlaq as saying on Tuesday.
“At the meeting, I announced that Mahnesa Shahsavarpour will be introduced as the nominee for world’s mother of handicrafts title unless further investigation shows another artisan older than her is living,” Namvar-Motlaq added.
Back in August, Shahsavarpour was honored with a lifetime achievement prize as the eldest surviving female artisan in the country on the sidelines of the 28th National Crafts Exhibit in Tehran.
Native to Sirjan, an ancient city in southeast Iran, Shahsavarpour has been involved in handcrafting embroidery, kilim carpets, and needlework over the past 90 years.
Over the past couple of years, dozens of Iranian handicrafts have been honored with the UNESCO Seal of Excellence. In 2010, a total of 65 crafts on various themes including enamel, tile, metalwork, leatherwork, wood carving received the privilege.
PHOTO: Veteran craftswoman Mahnesa Shahsavarpour receives a lifetime prize at Tehran’s 28th National Crafts Exhibit on August 26, 2017.
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